Sky Wave

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  • Daily trips are based on 9 hours tour during daylight. Extra hours result in additional charges that will be discussed with our agents at the time of booking. If transportation is required in the evening, extra charges will apply.
  • Any amendment to the agreed rooting should be communicated to the reservation agents as extra charges may apply.
  • Parking tickets and other charges are to be paid by customer unless advised otherwise.
  • Sky Wave shall not be liable for any delay resulting from roads blocking, weather conditions, or any other cause beyond control.
  • Sky Wave does not assume any liability for the loss of any item inside its coaches, or the damage or loss of any baggage. At the end of the tour, clients are requested to double check the vehicles for personal belongings.
  • It is the customer’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate documents to enter some areas in Lebanon where legal permits are required, unless specified otherwise.
  • The customer assumes full liability for any damage to the bus due to the activity of the passengers. Any additional charges incurred by Sky Wave to repair the vehicle due to passengers’ activity will be the full responsibility of the customer.
  • The customer assumes responsibility for the use of any video or audio playback equipment aboard the vehicle. The responsibility includes full restitution to any damaged equipment resulting from customers use thereof.
  • Food, snacks and smoking are prohibited inside the busses. Drinking is allowed, but is it is the group’s responsibility to clean up the coach prior trip end. Sky Wave provides garbage bags to assist with this process. Any damage to the bus resulting from food or drinks will be charged on the groups’ account.